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The Power of Yet

The Growth Mindset is a term that is being thrown around a lot in education, but do educators truly understand the power of this way of thinking or is it used more as a trendy buzz word? I believe there is a little of both going on. No educator is teaching with the thought that our students are not capable of learning and overcoming many challenges. From what I have heard it seems educators are struggling with how to communicate this ideology and successfully pass it on to their students. I know this was a big struggle for me for a while. The way I turned things around was I had open communication with my students in which I admitted that I do not know everything and I am a human being that is just trying my best to help them become well-rounded, educated young adults, but I am always trying to change things and grow myself too. I told them I needed their help; I  needed their feedback to use to make me a better teacher for the next time. Like magic, after modeling taking ownership of my failings or mistakes and say "oops, I don't have this, yet" or "I'm not sure how to do that, yet, give me a day/week to figure it out" , my students suddenly started using phrases like that. Pretty soon I had a room full of 13 year old's that were willing to keep trying because they believed in themselves to learn.  

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