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5304 Leading Organizational Change


Blending learning Blurring Obstacles is all about keeping the teacher requirements simple with blended learning units with individualized capstone unit projects to keep students at the center of everything that is done in the classroom and give them empowerment through support on their individual learning journeys.


Blended Learning Blurring Obstacles achieves student personalization by utilizing tech based digital learning units that students will rotate using along with traditional classroom activities and labs to strengthen understanding while personalizing the learning so all students are met where they are and brought up to the level they need to be according to state standards. 


Blending Learning Blurring Obstacles creates empowered young scholars that are enthusiastically overcoming obstacles in their learning to become well educated, critical thinkers and problem solvers as they transition into adolescence. 

The only way the principals of Blending Learning Blurring Obstacles can be successful is if they are combined with empathy, genuine support and love for each student, and the belief that all students are capable of amazing things. 

While designing my proposal for implementing digital rotational blending learning I focused on how an educator could effectively support 30 students within a 50 minute block of time while allowing for personalization of the learning itself. I know from personal experiences that without feeling cared for and supported and knowing that I see real value in their efforts in my class, there is little that most of my students would care to achieve. My students desperately need to connect what they are learning to the real world that they are so eager to enter into, because they have lost faith in the current system of read and remember to get good grades. They don't want to be lectured they want to explore their passions and interests, so by harnessing this natural desire and making it work for us in the classroom, we are more able to grow our students and provide support for them on their academic journey instead of steering them against their will. 


By keeping the message simple: reach our students by their hearts, passions, and interests while supporting them in their explorations and learning in the classroom students will be empowered and motivated far better than any other gimmick or strategy ever could capture them. 


As an educator I see the value in allowing for as much creativity, alteration, and open mindedness that any educational movement or innovation needs to have. Not all teachers teach the same and not all populations learn the same. A math class should look different from a history class. By keeping the rotational blended learning units simple by only relying on them to deliver base information and built in guidance of the learners' thinking as they are influenced by the information we are presenting them with, the learning can be as authentic and individualized as possible. By allowing teacher time to be freed up, we are more able to do what we love; guide young scholars on their journey and provide support so that we can see more of those lightbulb moments when a struggling student finally gets it. 


The faster we can implement this system the faster we can all get back to our passions and the root of education. To foster critical thinking, empowerment, and personal learning and growth.

influencer chart_edited.jpg

Chart adapted from Patterson and Grenny 2013.
*** see resource #1 below for full citation

Blended Learning Blurring Obstacles Goal:

80% of all students will achieve a mastery of at least 75% on the mock STAAR unit exam at the end of the unit after participating in the rotational blended learning units across the 8th grade science team.

Vital Behaviors

  1. Demonstrating a strong work ethic and completing assignments and repeatedly making changes based on feedback from peers and myself (teacher) until the student demonstrates mastery of the skill/content. 

  2. Positive interaction and collaboration with peers. 

  3. Student represents their interest, hobby, or passion within their project and connects it with the content learned in class (EX: Sally is interested in animals so she focuses on how different chemicals like caffeine affect different animals)


Measurement of this goal will occur at the end of each unit at the conclusion of the project-based learning assignment. We will use our current testing platform, EduPhoria to continue to use STAAR-like questions from our STEMScopes curriculum and the EduPhoria test bank to gauge student mastery of content. Current data will be compared to the years' previous data where applicable since TEKS are changing this year and not all units will have relevancy to previous years' data. 



Influencers of Change

Authority and power are not necessary to influence change. In fact, those that have the most influence do not wield their authority over others, they influence change through motivation and interpersonal skills. Those that will influence change are:

1. Myself 

2. My incredible 8th Grade Science Teammate

3. Science Department Teachers

4. Grade Level Administrators through their support and guidance 

Blurring Obstacles in Action

Creating change within an organization is no easy feat and many times you will hit a comment like "this is the way we have always done it" or my most dreaded comment, "don't fix what ain't broken".  Resisting change is just a normal human reaction and while it can get in the way of making changes that will benefit everyone, a leader in this position must be empathetic and understanding while remaining firm in their convictions. By following the 4DX principals outlined by McChesney, Covey, and Huling (2012) leaders are set up with the right tolls and expectations to make innovation and change possible without a battle of wills between management and employees. 


As I implement my blended learning innovation as outlined by my implementation plan, I will need to utilize the 4DX strategy in order to best support my team as they utilize blended learning units and travel well outside their comfort zones of traditional teaching strategies. 4DX is a great strategy for educators because McChesney, Covey, and Huling (2012) have done an excellent job not only acknowledging the chaos that every educator knows all too well; they gave that ever present chaos a name, "the whirlwind", which they describe as all the necesary daily tasks that are imperative to the success of the organization or team (pp. 7- 8). The whirlwind my team faces includes: student emotional well-being, lesson planning, creating and copying lesson materials, lab set-up and break down, acquiring lab supplies, meetings, paperwork, referrals, behavior management, small group tutoring, after school tutoring, parent communication, and many other tasks that come up in relation to student success and well being. With all this going on it is a wonder we are able to find time to teach students anything at all much less learn a new way of teaching and creating lessons for our students. Below are the steps outlined by McChesney, Covey, & Huling (2012) that I have adapted to fit with my plan better. These steps give focus to my implementation plan that I previously outlined and will ensure that implementation of the blended learning units are uniform across the grade level to ensure we hit our WIG by the end of each unit - and eventually the year. 


Set a Wildly Important Goal 




Determine and Act on Lead Measures


Create and Keep a Compelling Scoreboard


Routinely hold Accountability Meetings


As you push to new heights of success, set new WIG's and continually push for higher excellence

Blurring Obstacles 4DX Outline

 Building on the principals of the six sources of influence, we can now clearly map out how we will reach our success as a team by focusing on the critical, but highly influential critical moments that we can actively work to influence every day. 


Identify the WIG

Ensure 80% of all students will achieve a mastery of at least 75% on the mock STAAR unit exam at the end of the unit after participating in the rotational blended learning units across the 8th grade science team.


Identify the Lead Measures to Act On

Lead Measure 1: Ensure all students are 100% completing the required content/lessons daily.

Lead Measure 2: Increase assignments building vocabulary from 1 a week to 3 a week by the end of the first semester (December).


Create a Scoreboard

Leader/Educator Scoreboard: 

Each teacher will ensure that the work is being done daily by assigning a grade to the work and keeping track of informal quiz data to ensure students are on target to meet their WIG.

Student Scoreboard:

Students will have their gradebook as their individual scoreboard as well as a whole group score board showing where their quiz scores are at compared to the target 80% of students meeting the passing rate. 


Accountability Meetings

Once a week a team level accountability meeting will take place for 15-20 minutes immediately before our planning and learning community meeting that way concerns from the WIG meeting can be immediately addressed following the conclusion of the WIG meeting.

I think the most important indicator of student success is work completion and mastery. If a student is just guessing, skipping thorough, or refusing to complete their work there is an underlying factor or condition that must be addressed before you get to the end of a unit or worse the end of the year. There will always be students that struggle or refuse to complete their work at first because they are afraid of failure, but it has also been my experience that those are the students that grow the most if you can capture their heart by supporting them and believing in them. If a student is progressing well through the coursework chances are pretty high that they will reach the goal of achieving a goal of 75% or higher. Secondly, students most commonly report that they did not do well on the end of unit exams because they didn't understand a question or didn't understand what a word meant. This can be addressed by having the students work with the vocabulary words of a unit or lesson more frequently. 


By allowing students to see how their efforts in class are affecting their grades, they will be able to see if they are on track to pass the test. If they are consistently scoring less than 70% on their quizzes and assignments it is clear to them (an the teacher) that they need extra help with this content, while high achieving students can see that they will most likely do well on the test. Keeping track of the amount of students that pass quizzes, labs, and other data driven assignments to the 80% standard will be helpful in motivating the class to continue their efforts. Any class that is able to reach 80% of the class passing the unit exam will be given a snack or other reward to incentivize working towards this goal. Students will also document their own progress towards STAAR throughout the year with a Google sheet template with a graph built in that will change over time as they enter their own test data. 


Accountability meetings will have two parts one with the students and one just among teachers. At the weekly teacher meeting each teammate will commit to taking on a task within the blended learning unit development in which they are responsible for creating or editing.  This teacher meeting will be conducted at the beginning of each week, while the student accountability meeting will be done on Friday. The student accountability meeting will be facilitated by the teacher sharing where the class is as a whole and reminding students that if they are at a certain grade point or below they are not on target and giving pointers that could help students get back on target. These meetings will not focus on any one individual directly to avoid confidentiality and self-esteem issues. 

McChesney, Covey, Huling (2012) 

"A compelling scoreboard tells the team where they are and where they should be, information essential to team problem solving and decision making" (McChesney Covey, & Huling, p. 66)

Influencer and 4DX Strategy Synthesis

It is obvious that the authors of 4DX never meant their strategy to be implemented with an authoritarian attitude that leaves no room for empathy, mutual respect, and positive relationships to bloom. In fact, that authoritarian or lead by fear approach is the exact opposite of what the 4DX is trying to implement. 4DX was meant to be a rubric or outline for how to create meaningful innovation within an organization to produce the highest quality regardless of extra resources, utilizing only the passion and grit of the existing team members and resources already at their disposal.  I personally believe that the success in 4DX comes from giving leaders a clear vision for what they want to achieve, which can be easily communicated and focused on by everyone in the team while also acknowledging that every team member also has an ever constant whirlwind that they are battling to ensure the whole organization doesn't go up in proverbial (or literal in a middle school classroom) flames. By utilizing this blueprint the focus of everyone is on the same target, so the small efforts made by each team becomes magnified and multiplied like small drops in a bucket, making change not only more possible, but profoundly impactful. 


Although this blueprint is extremely effective in planning and executing changes within a team or organizations there is still the human component of each teammate that must be taken into account. While 4DX is a great place to start in order to get everyone motivated and moving as a united front to a worthy goal, these feelings won't last long if a leader isn't able to keep the motivation and energy flowing, which is where the six influences of motivation come into play. I think that using both strategies is where you will see virtually 100% effectiveness, yes I think that is possible even in a middle school classroom.


For my blended learning plan implementation I will heavily utilize the 4DX strategy to outline my thoughts and ideas while keeping each student focused on our goal of increasing the amount of students passing the Mock STAAR unit tests from 42% (historical data) to 80% by the end of the second blended learning unit. This is a very lofty goal for students that don't believe in themselves as many of my students read below grade level and/or struggle with math skills and have never passed a STAAR test. Getting these kids to try in the face of perceived failure is hard and often takes me several months before I can break through their defense mechanisms to get them to reach for that success. A goal is important, but for these kids a relationship and continually showing them you believe in them until they believe in themselves is the most important key to their success. I think this is where the six factors of influence become instrumental in the success of the 4DX strategy, because formal authority will do nothing to help you here. 


The most important domain: personal motivation and ability can by built by increasing their freedom and allowing them to express themselves in their work in class, we will the blended learning units automatically harness their personal motivation. We also get to build up each student's perceived ability because they will not think about the content as an entirely new topic, but an extension of some hobby, interest, or natural phenomena that they are already familiar with. In other words, students will already be informal experts, we will just be giving them m ore information to put with their wealth of knowledge and experiences that they already possess. Social motivation is arguably the most important motivation in a middle school, because students' focus is on each other and fitting i, which is why blended learning units that offer many different topics of application will encourage students to share their experiences and content connections more naturally and enthusiastically. If you want to talk to your friends about cars anyway and now the chemistry you're learning about is related to trucks you are obviously going to have much more meaningful conversations about chemistry than you would have otherwise. If you want to stay on topic then the social motivation is built into the classroom naturally, making it much easier for educators to ensure that each student is in a safe learning environment in which all ideas, experiences, and even differences are met with respect and appreciation, thus building a culture of high social ability and motivation. 


Finally, I will discuss how the structural ability and motivation are addressed since the students are more actively taking on their education, educators are more free to provide support in small groups, through strong feedback on assignments, and even facilitate more open ended conversations, debates, and hands-on activities that will build the entirety of the classroom into a support network. Students will naturally learn from each other, expand on ideas, and work to solve problems together which builds the campus up as a whole because the students are empowered to take risks and not be afraid of "failure". 


In conclusion, the 4DX strategy must be used to keep students focused on the right thing, while the influencer strategies should be utilized to get student buy-in, because without their buy-in and effort there is very little an educator can do to increase student success on the STAAR test. It's funny,  but kids won't work for or try for teachers that they don't feel supported by or that they don't like. Building a kid up and making them believe in themself is the single most important lesson we can teach any student, and it is my life goal to try to teach this lesson to as many kids as I possibly can, because 8th grade is the last turning point may of these kids will get without serious lasting consequences and we have the power to turn them on the right path or let them wonder onto  the wrong path. We can't force them to change, but with blended learning and undying support we can definitely be the change they needed. 



Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Grenny, J., Maxfield, D., Shimberg, A. “How to 10X Your Influence.” VitalSmarts,  Accessed 9 February 2020.


McChesney, C., Covey S., & Huling, J. (2012). The 4 disciplines of execution: Achieving your wildly important goals. Simon and Schuster. 


Patterson, K., Grenny, J., & Swizler, A. (2012). Crucial conversations: tools for talking when stakes are high. (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill New York, NY. 

Blended Learning Blurring Obstacles
Change Management Plan 

In order to achieve my wildly important goal as I previously outlined I will need to not only motivate my fellow educators to get on board with blended learning, but also my students to trust in the process and continue to persevere even in the face of difficulty in order to truly learn deeply and excel academically. It is imperative that I use all of the leadership strategies that I have been discussing and planning throughout the last six weeks in order to successfully implement the blended learning initiative I am planning. 


As previously outlined above, I will be intentional with my motivational strategies as well as my focus as a leader to only the WIG. While I tend to get distracted by my "whirlwind" I know that having my WIG and lead measures clearly posted ( I made a poster to keep at my desk near my computer) I will be able to keep those goals at the forefront at everything I do. Intentionality will be the most important thing to keep in mind as I implement  my innovation plan, but I know that I will be able to stick with it even when the going gets tough because I have a clear plan that I can follow as I am hit with obstacles and issues that will need to be solved. 


Intentionality is not the only thing I will have to focus on though. Given my weaknesses as a leader (I write more about my weakness as a self-differentiated leader here), I will need to be very cautious of my tendency to avoid confrontation and difficult conversations, especially when those conversations tend to be emotionally heavy. It is important that I watch for possible issues while working towards our wildly important goal using a wide variety of motivation influences, so that I can have those crucial conversations before any damage is done to the team morale and movement is slowed towards our goal. I am confident in my ability to grow in this area while fostering my strength of building relationships and building up a strong positive team morale amongst my teammates and department. I am confident in myself, my abilities, my plan and research, and most importantly I believe in my ability to grow in order to see my innovation dream become a reality. 

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