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Implementation Plan:
Project Blended Learning Closing Gaps

Phase 1- Planning and Development (1-3 Months)

  1. Compile a list of resources and complete a literature review

  2. Create a list of all needed materials and inventory items that we already have within the department or campus

  3. Based on previous years’ lesson observations and data from tests, look at what worked well and what didn’t and begin digitizing or finding digital resources that will mimic that physical traditional assignment in a digitally friendly way

  4. Create lesson and content videos and compile a variety of resources to introduce topics at the beginning of each unit

  5. Create sample units in Google Classroom that will be used as the basis of learning throughout the rotational blended learning initiative pilot program 

  6. Think about what computer literacy skills students will need to be taught in order to successfully navigate the course materials and complete assignments

  7. Write an innovation proposal and create proposal materials to inform my leadership team about the innovation and gain approval to begin implementation. 

Phase 2 - My Classes Only (3-6 Months) 

  1. Start teaching students background knowledge and lessons they will need in order to successfully complete assignments that are incorporated into the station rotation units

    1. Lessons could include teaching students to effectively use Google Docs, how to create slides, and even how to write a professional email or critique

  2. Introduce the Growth Mindset and the “power of yet” 

    1. Start introducing these ideas into classes immediately in order to prepare students for the rest of the initiative to come.

  3. Begin the station rotation blended learning unit utilizing Google Classroom since students are familiar with this platform in their classes

  4. Have students complete mid-unit assessments to track student progress and growth throughout the unit.

    1. Create small groups based on this information gathered in the survey

    2. Check in or create one-on-one check ins with any students that may be struggling and need additional support

  5. Gather feedback from students at the end of the unit to gauge students’ interest and understanding of the blended learning model as they progress through the unit

  6. After reviewing the feedback from my classes, I will reorganize or fine-tune the rotational blended learning units to make them better for the learners and educators.

Phase 3 - 8th Grade Science Team (7-12 Months)

  1. Educators will then be trained on the flow of the unit and how to best facilitate learning using the station rotation model

  2. Educators will be given lesson materials for all the background knowledge students will need to have including technology lessons and growth mindset lessons

  3. Educators will be given some resources that can be used as they implement the rotational blended learning units in their classrooms

  4. Teachers will give students a pre-test that will test their content knowledge and ask students to rate how comfortable they feel going into a blended learning environment

  5. Educators will then utilize Google classroom to deliver the rotational blended learning unit to their students 

  6. Mid-unit surveys will give teachers data on how students are progressing both emotionally and mentally as well as their academic growth

    1. Create small groups based on this information gathered in the survey

    2. Check in or create one-on-one check ins with any students that may be struggling and need additional support

  7. Teachers will meet and discuss their observations, concerns, and the data to make changes as needed to improve the learning environment and the unit content/activities

  8. Gather feedback from students at the end of the unit to gauge students’ interest and understanding of the blended learning model as they progress through the unit

  9. After reviewing the feedback from my classes, the team will reorganize or fine-tune the rotational blended learning units to make them better for the learners and educators

Phase 4 - Science Department (12-18 Months)

  1. The teachers from the previous phase will be introduced to the rest of the science department as the peer leaders in this initiative and it will be encouraged to seek out their advice throughout the process as everyone in the department acclimates to the change

    1. At this point educators that are new to the initiative will be surveyed on their technology use comfort and ability 

      1. Those that do not feel comfortable with technology will be partnered with a leader teacher that is comfortable with technology to mentor them through the initiative

  2. Teachers will be trained about the power of “yet” and the growth mindset as well as the benefits of differentiated and project based learning in science classes

    1. Teachers will need to start introducing these ideas, especially the growth mindset into their classes almost immediately in order to prepare students for the rest of the initiative to come.

  3. Educators will then be trained by the lead teachers on the flow of the unit and how to best facilitate learning using the station rotation model

  4. Educators will be given lesson materials for all the background knowledge students will need to have including technology lessons and growth mindset lessons

    1. Educators will then have to incorporate these lessons into their classes - lessons could include teaching students to effectively use Google Docs, how to create slides, and even how to write a professional email or critique

  5. Educators will be given some resources that can be used as they implement the rotational blended learning units in their classrooms

  6. Teachers will give students a pre-test that will test their content knowledge and ask students to rate how comfortable they feel going into a blended learning environment

    1. Based on the survey results students will need to be buddied up with more confident, technology savvy students or additional lessons on computer literacy may be needed

  7. Educators will then utilize Google classroom to deliver the rotational blended learning unit to their students 

  8. Mid-unit surveys will give teachers data on how students are progressing both emotionally and mentally as well as their academic growth

    1. Create small groups based on this information gathered in the survey

    2. Check in on struggling students in one-on-one meetings to give additional support

  9. Teachers will meet and discuss their observations, concerns, and the data to make changes as needed to improve the learning environment and the unit content/activities

Phase 5 - Entire Eighth Grade (18 - 24 Months)

  1. A committee consisting of educators from phase two and three will be selected to mentor teachers and help create lesson content and modules 

  2.  The rotational blended learning initiative will be announced and the peer leaders will be introduced to the rest of the eighth grade team

  3. Teachers will be trained about the power of “yet” and the growth mindset as well as the benefits of differentiated and project based learning in science classes

    1. Teachers will need to start introducing these ideas, especially the growth mindset into their classes almost immediately in order to prepare students for the rest of the initiative to come.

  4. Educators will be given lesson materials for all the background knowledge students will need to have including technology lessons and growth mindset lessons

    1. Educators will then have to incorporate these lessons into their classes - lessons could include teaching students to effectively use Google Docs, how to create slides, and even how to write a professional email or critique

  5. Educators will then be trained on the flow of the unit and how to best facilitate learning using the station rotation model

  6.  Educators will be given lesson materials for all the background knowledge students will need to have including technology lessons and growth mindset lessons

  7.  Educators will be given some resources that can be used as they implement the rotational blended learning units in their classrooms

  8. Teachers will give students a pre-test that will test their content knowledge and ask students to rate how comfortable they feel going into a blended learning environment

    1. Based on the survey results students will need to be buddied up with more confident, technology savvy students or additional lessons on computer literacy may be needed

  9. Educators will then utilize Google classroom to deliver the rotational blended learning unit to their students 

  10. Mid-unit surveys will give teachers data on how students are progressing both emotionally and mentally as well as their academic growth

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