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Innovation Proposal

We are voices of reason, patience, calm and stability for so many and yet, we are still struggling to find time to do it all while maintaining our own sanity. We have differences in student aptitudes, background knowledge and experiences, and academic gaps in their learning, and some students that are not able to read on grade level. All these factors complicate our ability to differentiate instruction, specifically effective differentiation. This is an issue everywhere in education, but I think the best solution for our students is rotational blended learning units. 


Gifted and talented students need to have their knowledge and skills pushed to new limits and given freedom to create and explore the world around them. In order to effectively do this teachers need to use digital tools in order to enrich education and allow students more access to their communities and the real world.  McKoy and Merry (2023) stated that access to digital tools leads to greater collaboration among students, communication skills are increased, and critical thinking and problem solving is greatly enhanced. The most effective way to differentiate learning to effectively give students access to these tools is through embracing a rotational blended learning model.  


We have seen how powerful technology can be in empowering our students’ to become active learners and create meaningful connections in classrooms. Project based learning has already been shown to increase student engagement and achievement in several studies including one focusing on middle school chemistry. Why not harness this power of choice for students from the introduction of a unit all the way to the final project and exam? 


There will be three main components in this rotational blended learning model that students will have to work through at their own pace with the teacher guiding students to the next portion as needed in a small group setting based on their levels of understanding or misconceptions. The major unit components are introduction and foundations, main lesson and supportive or practice materials, and a hands-on project or capstone lab/activity and students will only move to the next component after demonstrating mastery at the current level.

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