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Literature Review



Alireza Mortezaei Haftador, Banafsheh Tehranineshat, Zahra Keshtkaran, & Zinat Mohebbi. (2023). A study of the effects of blended   learning on university students’ critical thinking: A systematic review. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 12(1), 95.


Dalsgaard, C., & Godsk, M. (2007, January 1). Transforming traditional lectures into problem-based blended learning: challenges and experiences. OPEN LEARNING -HARLOW-, 22(1), 29–42.


Jessica DeMink-Carthew, & Steven Netcoh. (2019). Mixed Feelings about Choice: Exploring Variation in Middle School Student Experiences with Making Choices in a Personalized Learning Project. RMLE Online: Research in Middle Level Education, 42(10), 1–20.


Dewi Novi Ratna, Listiaji Prasetyo, Akhlis Isa, Kurniawan Ismail Okta, Siswanto, & Ayu Widyaningrum Risti. (2023). Project-based Laboratory Rotation Blended Learning Model to Train Students’ Critical Thinking and Collaboration in Physics Course. E3S Web of Conferences, 400, 01023.


Fazal, M., & Bryant, M. (2019). Blended Learning in Middle School Math: The Question of Effectiveness. Journal of Online Learning Research, 5(1), 49–64.


Hanewicz, C., Platt, A., & Arendt, A. (2017). Creating a learner-centered teaching environment using student choice in assignments. Distance Education, 38(3), 273–287.


Mahalli, Nurkamto, J., Mujiyanto, J., & Yuliasri, I. (2019). The Implementation of Station Rotation and Flipped Classroom Models of Blended Learning in EFL Learning. English Language Teaching, 12(12), 23–29.


McKoy, S., & Merry, K. E. (2023, January 1). Engaging Advanced Learners with Differentiated Online Learning. Gifted Child Today, 46(1), 48–56.


Pinchot, J., & Paullet, K. (2021). Using Student Choice in Assignments to Create a Learner-Centered Environment for Online Courses. Information Systems Education Journal, 19(2), 15–24.


Rosen, Y., & Beck-Hill, D. (2012). Intertwining Digital Content and a One-To-One Laptop Environment in Teaching and Learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 44(3), 225–241.


Sahin, A., & Top, N. (2015). STEM Students on the Stage (SOS): Promoting Student Voice and Choice in STEM Education Through an Interdisciplinary, Standards-focused, Project Based Learning Approach. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations & Research, 16(3), 24–33.


Truitt, A. A., & Ku, H.-Y. (2018). A case study of third grade students’ perceptions of the station rotation blended learning model in the United States. Educational Media International, 55(2), 153–169.

Yang, S., & Newman, R. (2019). Rotational Blended Learning in Computer System Engineering Courses. IEEE Transactions on Education, Education, IEEE Transactions on, IEEE Trans. Educ, 62(4), 264–269.

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