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Make it Meaningful

The ePortfolio should be a meaningful connection to the world and represent who you are, what your opinions are, and what is important to you.

ePortfolio use adds depth to the learning because not only are you introduced to a topic and blandly responding to it, you are internalizing the meaning and implications while making it personal by applying it to your life, which will make that knowledge stick. For me, learning is more impactful when I "do" and figure it out by myself by clicking around and just figuring it out or as I say "winging it until it works out".

The more that I have used my ePortfolio to record my learning while I progress through the program, the more that I am starting to notice my focus shift in regards to my ePortfolio posts. When I began the program I only thought of my ePortfolio when I was working on an assignment or particularly interesting discussion post, however, now I am starting to think about additions to my ePortfolio in my "every day" life. When I make an assignment or activity that I am excited to do with my students, I think "wow, this would be great to add to my ePortfolio". I am just excited to be able to share what I am learning and how it impacts me. I feel like I finally have a place that I can use to show all the hard work I put into the lessons and activities I make for my students and not only can I show off that hard work, I can celebrate the victories I have when I finally get a student to that "lightbulb moment" I crave so much. I have been a stronger educator these days because I feel like my efforts are seen, valid, and worthwhile. For a while I was struggling with the thought "what's the point? The kids don't care if I think it's the best lesson, they either won't do the work or complain anyway". I have missed the joy of education and I am glad to have it back thanks to my ePortfolio.


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