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My Exploration of ePortfolio Platforms

In this course I was urged to thoughtfully consider my ePortfolio platform and if it will be robust enough to house all of my future work not only in the EDLD program, but also whatever I decide to do with this ePortfolio beyond this program. While my the program I chose does offer all the tools I will need as I navigate this program I am a little worried about the longevity of the platform and bugs in their servers. I have reported the issue to the platform directly and the issue seems to have been resolved, but it does make one wonder. For now I am going to stick with this platform because I personally find it much more user friendly than other platforms I experimented with (WordPress had too steep of a learning curve for me and I couldn't get the hang of it).

I appreciate all the free tools and apps I can add to my ePortfolio and I found WIX to have a lot more extras I can add without having to pay a monthly fee. Eventually I will probably be more willing to pay for add-ons and extras, but at this point in my journey I just don't see it as a solid investment for myself, which is why I am confident with my choice to stay the course with my original ePortfolio platform.

I have set about creating my own digital images and artwork for my pages and blogs, which I feel makes all the difference not only in my ownership of my work, but also in how I connect with what I am learning. I enjoy pushing the boundary of my own creativity and have a greater appreciation for the freedom I have been given in the design of my ePortfolio. By pairing my own thoughts and opinions in written format with images I have learned a lot more and retained it far better than I ever have. The biggest way I cope with my ADHD is to doodle or create images that help me remember, so this decision has been a game changer for me.


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