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My Future Reading to be an Agent of Change

To be an agent of change you have to be ready to fail. You have to be ready to take a risk and put in all your effort to be the difference. I want to be the difference in my students' lives I want them to look back at their time in my room and know that I did everything in my power to be as successful as possible despite the education system failing them during the COVID-19 pandemic. To be the agent of change I have to completely change the way I have been introducing topics and presenting information to my students.

I have big dreams with my rotational blended learning idea, but I need to read more about programs that have used this model before me. I need to research how I can mimic these programs, while improving them with my students' needs in mind. I am listing sources that I am going to read to help me figure out what my units will look like and how the information will be best organized.

An Educator's Guide to STEAM: Engaging Students Using Real-World Problems

I want to read this in order to help me design each lesson with a real-world problem that students will be working to solve. I believe project-based learning will be a valuable tool in keeping my students motivated throughout the lesson, because they will know that everything they are learning is helping them in some way and isn't just busy work that is wasting their time.

Quigley, C., & Herro, D. (2019). An educator’s guide to steam: Engaging students using real-world problems. Teachers College Press.

Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty: Strategies for Erasing the Opportunity Gap (Multicultural Education Series)

I think that this is going to help me find good strategies to help my struggling learners. I think this is going to be especially important to keep in mind as I develop these units, because access to internet and computer or any other educational technology is not equal across the board for my students. I have had students that came to my class without ever having used a chrome book much less used Google slides to create a GIF. I need a solid foundation with strategies that I know will be helpful to all students as they progress through the units and try to learn.

Gorski, P. (2018). Reaching and teaching students in poverty: Strategies for erasing The opportunity gap (2nd ed.). Teachers College Press.

The Blended Course Design Workbook A Practical Guide

This book was designed to help administrators and educators take face-to-face curriculum and change the design to be compatible with digital hybrid or blended learning. I love that this book will break down the process of creating online materials and units into clearly defined stages. There are template ideas and other activities that can be used when designing blended learning materials. I would like to see ideas of what is working and then creating something that I think would be good for my students from that starting point. This resource would definitely feel like it's helping me take the guess work out of what will work preventing me from just blindly rolling it out to my students.

Linder, K. (2017). The blended course design workbook a practical guide. Stylus Publishing, LLC.


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