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The Real Meaning of ePortfolio

There is a lot of talk about ePortfolios and we all frequent blogs and websites, but what is the significance of ePortfolio and blog posts? Is it worth all the effort? In short, YES, ePortfolio usage is absolutely worth it! An ePortfolio keeps all of your thoughts, work, projects, and information in one place that can be accessed nearly anywhere in the world (just need wifi and a device). While there are many reasons behind keeping an ePortfolio, which will change your layout, functionality, and design, ePortfolio's share the same basic principal; that everything you do impacts where you go in life, the lessons you learn, and your success in one stage of life will carry you to success in the next if you continually grow and challenge yourself.

Growth and learning is a life long skill that must be watered and fed, just like a plant. In order to water and feed your learning you must be able to continually evaluate yourself and the skills you possess that can be utilized to solve new problems you face. The easiest way to ensure that you can continually look back on your learning and see where to improve or what strengths you clearly possess is to keep all your work in one place and organize it well. That is where the ePortfolio comes in.

Your ePortfolio is an internet based accumulation of all your learning, reflections, and work or products that you have produced that can be accessed at any time. This makes keeping an ePortfolio a valuable tool that you can use to show others what your strengths are because your skills and strengths are visible and public. There is no argument as to whether you are capable of communicating well with others if everyone can clearly see your writing. There is no argument about being organized if you have organized all of your work, experiences, and project products throughout your life and career, which I talk more about my personal reasons for creating an ePortfolio here. An ePortfolio was all the difference in how important I view everything that I do and I can promise you it is the one reason I am not just glossing over topics that don't sound that interesting to me. I have found so much useful strategies and studies that I didn't think I would just based on the name at the beginning of the week and I will be forever grateful for the introduction to ePortfolios.


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