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Enthusiastic Supporting Role to the Leader

How my EDLD journey at Lamar University transformed me into a true leader.

My experiences in EDLD 5303 at Lamar University have empowered me to use my ePortfolio not only as a way to take ownership of my learning and also track my learning within my graduate program but also to let my voice be heard. Now, more than ever I think it is important for educators to band together to help and inspire each other while advocating for ourselves and our students.

I have enjoyed the freedom to be myself and create work that I truly believe in so much that I have found my true identity as both a learner and an educator. I want to use my ePortfolio as a platform for change for Texas educators and a source of inspiration and support for new and veteran teachers alike. By learning how to embrace my voice in this program I have learned to be comfortable in becoming a leader instead of the enthusiastic supporting actress, as I liked to refer to myself throughout my adult life.

Future innovative learning community

In the future I see my ePortfolio becoming a well-known resource for science lesson ideas and activities. I hope that the adoption of new science TEKS will give me the chance to compete with more well known science teacher blogs and sites. Over time I hope to build an innovative, actively engaged learning community. I have a lot to say about creating active engagement and mindful connections and I have found a new passion to share all my ideas.

Future method of change and advocacy

I hope that by building an active community my ePortfolio will become more visible and well known. My thoughts are that if I can build a community and garner more attention I will be able to share my experiences in teaching with parents, other teachers, administrators, and many other affected parties. I think that the exodus of teachers from the education community is alarming and I completely understand and support the decision to leave, but I feel that I should use this opportunity I have been given to advocate for teachers and students. My ultimate goal is to use my platform to show law makers and local representatives what the classroom really looks like and how their decisions affect schools and teachers. While I am not naïve enough to believe this will solve all the problems our schools are facing, I think it could make parents more aware of what is going on and they will be able to team up with educators to demand meaningful changes within the public education system that we have.


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