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My ePortfolio Evolution

Throughout my time in the 5303 course in the EDLD program at Lamar University I have been fine tuning my ePortfolio like one would polish a semi-precious stone. In 5302 and 5305 I generated a lot of ideas, outlines, and plans in Google docs and they were solid starting points, but translating them to a digital portfolio fell apart rather quickly for me due to time constraints, the pressures of life, and my overall inexperience with using a website and creating visually appealing content.

First, I had to improve my navigation of my site as viewers would get "stuck" on certain pages with no easy way to navigate back from a specific source to the page that housed it. I built in better organization and added buttons that allow visitors to return to the home page with ease.

Second, I added buttons that would take users to information, blog posts, resources and other important information within each course subpage to the EDLD program tab. This allows visitors to find information about a specific topic more easily. I am currently playing with an idea to get some of my blog posts to go to specific permanent pages, but I haven't found a way to do that seamlessly, yet. That will definitely be the next big development that I roll out in terms of the layout and organization of my page.

Finally the biggest change that I am most proud of is simply the change in my blog posts from a bland and generic page with generic artwork to graphics that I create myself that I am proud of. I feel like this one thing alone made me feel 100% ownership over my ePortfolio in a way that almost nothing else has. It took me a while to figure out a formula for myself on what type of media works and what I still have to improve in order to get really interesting and unique pictures for my blog.

Content I created myself specifically for my blog posts.

To read my newest blog posts using original pictures that I created follow the links:

Versus the stock images I was using

While I would like to say I have taken all stock images out and replaced them with original content, I can't say that I have. Creating pictures that tell the right story is hard work and I am still getting the hang of it, so this is still an ongoing thing for me. Here is an example of blog post that is next to be replaced, what was I even thinking not adding a picture at all?!?


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